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Artificial Kidney

How does Artificial Kidney Help?

An artificial kidney is a dialysis machine that works to clean the blood in blood vessels in kidneys that do not function correctly (A3). Dialysis procedures that utilize artificial kidneys are referred to as hemodialysis. During a hemodialysis, a catheter is first inserted in the leg, arm or neck. The catheter creates a pathway for waste products and chemicals to filter out of the blood (A4). It might cause some side effects such as leg pain and sleep disturbances due to hindered breathing (A5).

Did you Know?

Recently, UCSF is trying to replace dialysis with nanofilters and living cells. They believe that this filter will be a standard care over hemodialysis. The filter has four little pores that is individually shaped to perform their own tasks. UCSF believes that this little filter will accurately do their responsible tasks and soon replace the old artificial kidney, dialysis. This includes reabsorption of nutrients and getting rid of accumulated waste (A6).

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